15: Its a phenomenon, its up beat, humorous and entices me every week to keep coming back for more. Glee. So how do I get 'Glee' for christmas? well.. I can't because, technically the series isn't out for sale yet but when there is a will there is always a way. However, I will not send my parents for a wild goose chase as what I do want is their soundtrack. Remember how I died when Stanley came. I'd do a repeat of that, with an added flip if I receive this soundtrack :)

14: They're cool and snazzy and sported by my favourite celebs, plus they're small enough to fit into my Christmas stocking! Square-Shaped sunnies are the way to go! Or the nerdy yet 'fly' clear wayfarers by Ray Ban!

13: Its Summer, and instead of parading and sashaying my bootay around town in a two piece,I have decided after watching David Guetta and Akon's video for 'Sexy Bitch' that I have been craving a one piece cutout and have been missing out on a lot of fun from the looks of it. Watch that video, pick any swimsuit from it. Its actually amazing how many stunning pieces they were able to cram into one video clip!

12: Living with 'Poo Brown' coloured eyes is kind of a down buzz right? Well thank the heavens for the creation of coloured contact lenses - You don't even need to be blind! Grey, Blue, Green, Hazel, you name it they'll probably have it. I'd really like a pair of green contacts. An Asian with green eyes? that isn't very common now is it.

11: I know this wish will never come true, but after 'oohing' and 'ahhing' with my friend Kirstin the other day, it is quite impossible for me to not want this. We were in a pet shop so there is no surprise as to what I want. That's right. A puppy. And by puppy I mean a cute one- with all the cute little clothes and sneakers too. Pfft. mother will never let this happen, but if she saw the picture below it may sway her a little. Nawwwww ;)

10: Oohh we're down to the final count down and the list still manages to keep comin'. Next on Chloe's wish list is essential to every girls wardrobe and is abundant in mine, but that doesn't mean I can't want more. My stagnant short height may also be a contribution to the endless amounts of this item that I already have. Killer Heels. I'm short hence the large amount of heels of all sorts and kinds, anything that can aid my height without going into surgery is swell and heels are the remedy!, I'd really like a lace detailed, studded or a bright bold coloured pair.

9: I need something to connect all my charms together. Its the craze at my school and I want to jump on the bandwagon. Original huh?, Pandora bracelets - other than being a fashion statement and an indication of wealth - they are; to me, memory and symbolic bonded bracelets that are custom made and can be given to anyone as they are all different to each individual owner, so why not give one to me :). The company sells various coloured beads and charms that draw in millions of customers as each charm means something different to everyone. Ingenious!- I've already been given numerous charms, now its time for a Pandora to mash them all together; plus they are so pretty!

8: Katy Perry's Nail Artist, because if I had nails done as amazingly as hers are , I'd be the bees knees.

7: An old school camera or a Polaroid camera, firstly; how cool - they just look the business, even if they take cruddy photos and secondly; you get the pictures straight away with Polaroids! none of this uploading your snaps to the computer and waiting for ages for the pictures to load onto facebook and then having the upload fail! NO SIR! If this is just too ridiculous, I'd really want one of those old looking but actually high tech ones or ones that are able to go under water! Yay; little mermaid reenactment with actual water shots.

6: There are times when I'm busting at the seams with ideas to write on my blog but it always so happens that I'm somewhere out of reach for any computers. Hence this next Christmas wish is... a laptop so I can get through to you way more often and just because they're so handy and chic :P Ooooh and they come in pink!

5: Stan Walker... Need I say more? Plus I still haven't got his album yet. Daddy! Hah :)

4: This smell or scent rather, is to die for. Mother and I tested it at Farmers. I smelt like a babe for days, Ed Hardy Perfume Range. Also his collection of clothing is quite dandy too. Double Wham!

3: For Miss Chloe, simply just one leather jacket is not enough; this is a little dose of spoilt child syndrome; though having a bomber is not enough when there are those with hoodies on the market and in tan!? Surely not. This is a want not a need as I am utterly appreciative of my existing jacket :P Thanks Ma.

2: Nearly there! It has been quite a mission for me to write this though I know you all believe its been exploding off the tip of my tongue. So numbero two on my top 15 would have to be tickets for my family and myself on a flight back to our extended family over in Malaysia! It's been a long while and honestly, we miss you all dearly! Not to worry we'll be back next year, but that is still a whole year away :(
1:Here it is! the thing/s you've all been waiting for, actually its the greatest gift of all- for me, as cheesy as that sounds.After all those materialistic gifts and things that I have been pining for, for well, the last fourteen places... I'll leave you with a taste of what I'd really like for Christmas.
I'd like to see everyone smile on this day, have a laugh, experience sheer joy unwrapping their presents and receiving and giving lots and lots of cuddles. I'd like to see families together eating a huge roast, the shock on the faces of the littlelies as they discover the eaten cookies and a glass empty that was once filled with milk after Santa has had a nibble.Couples having a secret kiss under the mistletoe ( though we don't really use that in New Zealand) and most of all I hope that everyone has a wonderful day, keeps safe on the roads and that YOU get all the things that you want!
Merry Christmas :)
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