Tuesday, December 22, 2009

#10 Resolution Time

Three more sleeps to Christmas and a week from the big 2010! What a year it's been, and it has whizzed by in a snap, it's crazy! Its amazing how much I've accomplished this year- I tend to fuse all the previous years into one so they seem extra long and way more satisfying 'cause they seem to fly by so quickly these days. It's old age creeping up on me I think, I'm sixteen, but I guess thats technically four years from two decades of living- ANCIENT,:s. And with the new year rolling on through so does the flow of resolutions and lists that pour through our fingers that I'm pretty sure we all create to ensure a better year than the previous ones. Its what we do, and is it me or do the resolutions never happen? or only half get ticked off? well, thats the case for me and I'm determined for 2010 to be a successful resolution accomplishment. It will be my final year of school so I better get myself together and man up to the 'real' world. I guess that means; less party more study, less play more stay- at home that is and keeping focused! It will be a huge mission but I'm sure I can do it, I hope. Well... I'll say ciao for now and be back with a list of my resolutions for next year, Hang ten friends. Oooh! Also, I got my tragus pierced,WOOO!

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