When you become somewhat obsessed with someone, obstacles in the form of others who try to get in the way, make you become... feisty. So this group of ladies, decide, "Hey, lets just jump the line and casually talk to these people and give the people behind us the evils even though we just pushed in front of them", theres only so much one can take right? Yes, well when push came to shove, I was on top, Yes Sir. Angry Chloe = Angry Chloe. Finally we reached the front of the queue and there he was, an Angel I swear ,and just as much of a babe in real life, unfortunately there were dozens of girls still in front of me smiling adoringly at him as well. Then the worst thing that could ever happen, happened. A Warehouse clerk who had just found his inner voice decided to pick up his mic and bellow, "Stan is only here for 30 minutes more, You can NOT take any photos with him, try take them in the queue". EXCUSE ME, How am I meant to take my loving photo with Stan, that I needed to send out for printing for our personal 'couple' Christmas cards? This is an outrage. Being myself and all, I began to scheme and figure out ploys to get my needed snapshot with the hunk. My friend and I agreed to take a photo of each other while waiting, while the other got a signature, ingenious? I think, Yes. Unfortunately, our tight scheduled regime did not go to plan. This is where the burly woman got a hammer and shattered my dreams. She might as well have done it literally too. "Put the camera away, No posing, only ONE signature". I stood face to face with my future husband and looked into his eyes, I stood awestruck, mouth slightly ajar and speechless- he looked up said 'Hi' smiled his amazing smile and that was it. It was magical, but short lived. I got some dodgy looking photos of him so thats all I can show you sorry!
The Huge Line
Stan The Man
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