Every time I get an invite to a party, you will never understand the surge of excitement I feel when I find out that it is a dress up party or a theme party- Its unexplainable. I guess it's that small child that I have been locking up inside me since well, since I was a kid, which is acceptable right? To be frank, if I were to parade around the mall with a pair of wings and a wand, you wouldn't still think I looked cute, I'd be a nut case and mothers would obnoxiously steer their children away from me. Don't try to convince me saying its normal. It isn't and honestly, if you dressed liked that I'd laugh at you too. Fortunately for myself I have had the honor of attending numerous themed parties and have been able to use them as an outlet for my inner child. From super heroes to Pocahontas and my very own Hill-Billy party, this year ' little Chloe' has been coming to the surface a lot more frequently than usual! Yay! To those who attend these parties but put in little effort and come scantily clad with a mini dress, killer heels and maybe some cat ears? Shame on you! , its called a dress up for a reason... not a dress down party :P! And to those who come half heartedly wearing their designer jeans just to show off- if the theme was designer jeans, you'd be a hit, but its cabaret and, Sorry! You just don't cut it. So with that rant out of the way I bid you adieu! and will leave you with some pictures of 'little Chloe' :)

Audrey Hepburn

Cat Woman

Wow Chloe! U look great!