Tuesday, December 22, 2009
#10 Resolution Time
Three more sleeps to Christmas and a week from the big 2010! What a year it's been, and it has whizzed by in a snap, it's crazy! Its amazing how much I've accomplished this year- I tend to fuse all the previous years into one so they seem extra long and way more satisfying 'cause they seem to fly by so quickly these days. It's old age creeping up on me I think, I'm sixteen, but I guess thats technically four years from two decades of living- ANCIENT,:s. And with the new year rolling on through so does the flow of resolutions and lists that pour through our fingers that I'm pretty sure we all create to ensure a better year than the previous ones. Its what we do, and is it me or do the resolutions never happen? or only half get ticked off? well, thats the case for me and I'm determined for 2010 to be a successful resolution accomplishment. It will be my final year of school so I better get myself together and man up to the 'real' world. I guess that means; less party more study, less play more stay- at home that is and keeping focused! It will be a huge mission but I'm sure I can do it, I hope. Well... I'll say ciao for now and be back with a list of my resolutions for next year, Hang ten friends. Oooh! Also, I got my tragus pierced,WOOO!
Friday, December 18, 2009
#9 All I Want For Christmas Is...
You! No no, this is not a rendition of Mariah Carey's Christmas hit that is always overplayed and out sung in many different languages, pitches and tunes, but what this is, is a self centered list of everything Chloe wishes to gain from others this Christmas, good idea eh! Now you won't have to stalk the passages of each mall in NZ to find me the perfect gift, just read this :P I'll display my top 10 wants for 2009, maybe 15, I'm a girl okay! Don't judge me.
15: Its a phenomenon, its up beat, humorous and entices me every week to keep coming back for more. Glee. So how do I get 'Glee' for christmas? well.. I can't because, technically the series isn't out for sale yet but when there is a will there is always a way. However, I will not send my parents for a wild goose chase as what I do want is their soundtrack. Remember how I died when Stanley came. I'd do a repeat of that, with an added flip if I receive this soundtrack :)

14: They're cool and snazzy and sported by my favourite celebs, plus they're small enough to fit into my Christmas stocking! Square-Shaped sunnies are the way to go! Or the nerdy yet 'fly' clear wayfarers by Ray Ban!

13: Its Summer, and instead of parading and sashaying my bootay around town in a two piece,I have decided after watching David Guetta and Akon's video for 'Sexy Bitch' that I have been craving a one piece cutout and have been missing out on a lot of fun from the looks of it. Watch that video, pick any swimsuit from it. Its actually amazing how many stunning pieces they were able to cram into one video clip!

12: Living with 'Poo Brown' coloured eyes is kind of a down buzz right? Well thank the heavens for the creation of coloured contact lenses - You don't even need to be blind! Grey, Blue, Green, Hazel, you name it they'll probably have it. I'd really like a pair of green contacts. An Asian with green eyes? that isn't very common now is it.

11: I know this wish will never come true, but after 'oohing' and 'ahhing' with my friend Kirstin the other day, it is quite impossible for me to not want this. We were in a pet shop so there is no surprise as to what I want. That's right. A puppy. And by puppy I mean a cute one- with all the cute little clothes and sneakers too. Pfft. mother will never let this happen, but if she saw the picture below it may sway her a little. Nawwwww ;)

10: Oohh we're down to the final count down and the list still manages to keep comin'. Next on Chloe's wish list is essential to every girls wardrobe and is abundant in mine, but that doesn't mean I can't want more. My stagnant short height may also be a contribution to the endless amounts of this item that I already have. Killer Heels. I'm short hence the large amount of heels of all sorts and kinds, anything that can aid my height without going into surgery is swell and heels are the remedy!, I'd really like a lace detailed, studded or a bright bold coloured pair.

9: I need something to connect all my charms together. Its the craze at my school and I want to jump on the bandwagon. Original huh?, Pandora bracelets - other than being a fashion statement and an indication of wealth - they are; to me, memory and symbolic bonded bracelets that are custom made and can be given to anyone as they are all different to each individual owner, so why not give one to me :). The company sells various coloured beads and charms that draw in millions of customers as each charm means something different to everyone. Ingenious!- I've already been given numerous charms, now its time for a Pandora to mash them all together; plus they are so pretty!

8: Katy Perry's Nail Artist, because if I had nails done as amazingly as hers are , I'd be the bees knees.

7: An old school camera or a Polaroid camera, firstly; how cool - they just look the business, even if they take cruddy photos and secondly; you get the pictures straight away with Polaroids! none of this uploading your snaps to the computer and waiting for ages for the pictures to load onto facebook and then having the upload fail! NO SIR! If this is just too ridiculous, I'd really want one of those old looking but actually high tech ones or ones that are able to go under water! Yay; little mermaid reenactment with actual water shots.

6: There are times when I'm busting at the seams with ideas to write on my blog but it always so happens that I'm somewhere out of reach for any computers. Hence this next Christmas wish is... a laptop so I can get through to you way more often and just because they're so handy and chic :P Ooooh and they come in pink!

5: Stan Walker... Need I say more? Plus I still haven't got his album yet. Daddy! Hah :)

4: This smell or scent rather, is to die for. Mother and I tested it at Farmers. I smelt like a babe for days, Ed Hardy Perfume Range. Also his collection of clothing is quite dandy too. Double Wham!

3: For Miss Chloe, simply just one leather jacket is not enough; this is a little dose of spoilt child syndrome; though having a bomber is not enough when there are those with hoodies on the market and in tan!? Surely not. This is a want not a need as I am utterly appreciative of my existing jacket :P Thanks Ma.

2: Nearly there! It has been quite a mission for me to write this though I know you all believe its been exploding off the tip of my tongue. So numbero two on my top 15 would have to be tickets for my family and myself on a flight back to our extended family over in Malaysia! It's been a long while and honestly, we miss you all dearly! Not to worry we'll be back next year, but that is still a whole year away :(
1:Here it is! the thing/s you've all been waiting for, actually its the greatest gift of all- for me, as cheesy as that sounds.After all those materialistic gifts and things that I have been pining for, for well, the last fourteen places... I'll leave you with a taste of what I'd really like for Christmas.
I'd like to see everyone smile on this day, have a laugh, experience sheer joy unwrapping their presents and receiving and giving lots and lots of cuddles. I'd like to see families together eating a huge roast, the shock on the faces of the littlelies as they discover the eaten cookies and a glass empty that was once filled with milk after Santa has had a nibble.Couples having a secret kiss under the mistletoe ( though we don't really use that in New Zealand) and most of all I hope that everyone has a wonderful day, keeps safe on the roads and that YOU get all the things that you want!
Merry Christmas :)
15: Its a phenomenon, its up beat, humorous and entices me every week to keep coming back for more. Glee. So how do I get 'Glee' for christmas? well.. I can't because, technically the series isn't out for sale yet but when there is a will there is always a way. However, I will not send my parents for a wild goose chase as what I do want is their soundtrack. Remember how I died when Stanley came. I'd do a repeat of that, with an added flip if I receive this soundtrack :)

14: They're cool and snazzy and sported by my favourite celebs, plus they're small enough to fit into my Christmas stocking! Square-Shaped sunnies are the way to go! Or the nerdy yet 'fly' clear wayfarers by Ray Ban!

13: Its Summer, and instead of parading and sashaying my bootay around town in a two piece,I have decided after watching David Guetta and Akon's video for 'Sexy Bitch' that I have been craving a one piece cutout and have been missing out on a lot of fun from the looks of it. Watch that video, pick any swimsuit from it. Its actually amazing how many stunning pieces they were able to cram into one video clip!

12: Living with 'Poo Brown' coloured eyes is kind of a down buzz right? Well thank the heavens for the creation of coloured contact lenses - You don't even need to be blind! Grey, Blue, Green, Hazel, you name it they'll probably have it. I'd really like a pair of green contacts. An Asian with green eyes? that isn't very common now is it.

11: I know this wish will never come true, but after 'oohing' and 'ahhing' with my friend Kirstin the other day, it is quite impossible for me to not want this. We were in a pet shop so there is no surprise as to what I want. That's right. A puppy. And by puppy I mean a cute one- with all the cute little clothes and sneakers too. Pfft. mother will never let this happen, but if she saw the picture below it may sway her a little. Nawwwww ;)

10: Oohh we're down to the final count down and the list still manages to keep comin'. Next on Chloe's wish list is essential to every girls wardrobe and is abundant in mine, but that doesn't mean I can't want more. My stagnant short height may also be a contribution to the endless amounts of this item that I already have. Killer Heels. I'm short hence the large amount of heels of all sorts and kinds, anything that can aid my height without going into surgery is swell and heels are the remedy!, I'd really like a lace detailed, studded or a bright bold coloured pair.

9: I need something to connect all my charms together. Its the craze at my school and I want to jump on the bandwagon. Original huh?, Pandora bracelets - other than being a fashion statement and an indication of wealth - they are; to me, memory and symbolic bonded bracelets that are custom made and can be given to anyone as they are all different to each individual owner, so why not give one to me :). The company sells various coloured beads and charms that draw in millions of customers as each charm means something different to everyone. Ingenious!- I've already been given numerous charms, now its time for a Pandora to mash them all together; plus they are so pretty!

8: Katy Perry's Nail Artist, because if I had nails done as amazingly as hers are , I'd be the bees knees.

7: An old school camera or a Polaroid camera, firstly; how cool - they just look the business, even if they take cruddy photos and secondly; you get the pictures straight away with Polaroids! none of this uploading your snaps to the computer and waiting for ages for the pictures to load onto facebook and then having the upload fail! NO SIR! If this is just too ridiculous, I'd really want one of those old looking but actually high tech ones or ones that are able to go under water! Yay; little mermaid reenactment with actual water shots.

6: There are times when I'm busting at the seams with ideas to write on my blog but it always so happens that I'm somewhere out of reach for any computers. Hence this next Christmas wish is... a laptop so I can get through to you way more often and just because they're so handy and chic :P Ooooh and they come in pink!

5: Stan Walker... Need I say more? Plus I still haven't got his album yet. Daddy! Hah :)

4: This smell or scent rather, is to die for. Mother and I tested it at Farmers. I smelt like a babe for days, Ed Hardy Perfume Range. Also his collection of clothing is quite dandy too. Double Wham!

3: For Miss Chloe, simply just one leather jacket is not enough; this is a little dose of spoilt child syndrome; though having a bomber is not enough when there are those with hoodies on the market and in tan!? Surely not. This is a want not a need as I am utterly appreciative of my existing jacket :P Thanks Ma.

2: Nearly there! It has been quite a mission for me to write this though I know you all believe its been exploding off the tip of my tongue. So numbero two on my top 15 would have to be tickets for my family and myself on a flight back to our extended family over in Malaysia! It's been a long while and honestly, we miss you all dearly! Not to worry we'll be back next year, but that is still a whole year away :(
1:Here it is! the thing/s you've all been waiting for, actually its the greatest gift of all- for me, as cheesy as that sounds.After all those materialistic gifts and things that I have been pining for, for well, the last fourteen places... I'll leave you with a taste of what I'd really like for Christmas.
I'd like to see everyone smile on this day, have a laugh, experience sheer joy unwrapping their presents and receiving and giving lots and lots of cuddles. I'd like to see families together eating a huge roast, the shock on the faces of the littlelies as they discover the eaten cookies and a glass empty that was once filled with milk after Santa has had a nibble.Couples having a secret kiss under the mistletoe ( though we don't really use that in New Zealand) and most of all I hope that everyone has a wonderful day, keeps safe on the roads and that YOU get all the things that you want!
Merry Christmas :)
Sunday, December 13, 2009
#8 The Child Within
Every time I get an invite to a party, you will never understand the surge of excitement I feel when I find out that it is a dress up party or a theme party- Its unexplainable. I guess it's that small child that I have been locking up inside me since well, since I was a kid, which is acceptable right? To be frank, if I were to parade around the mall with a pair of wings and a wand, you wouldn't still think I looked cute, I'd be a nut case and mothers would obnoxiously steer their children away from me. Don't try to convince me saying its normal. It isn't and honestly, if you dressed liked that I'd laugh at you too. Fortunately for myself I have had the honor of attending numerous themed parties and have been able to use them as an outlet for my inner child. From super heroes to Pocahontas and my very own Hill-Billy party, this year ' little Chloe' has been coming to the surface a lot more frequently than usual! Yay! To those who attend these parties but put in little effort and come scantily clad with a mini dress, killer heels and maybe some cat ears? Shame on you! , its called a dress up for a reason... not a dress down party :P! And to those who come half heartedly wearing their designer jeans just to show off- if the theme was designer jeans, you'd be a hit, but its cabaret and, Sorry! You just don't cut it. So with that rant out of the way I bid you adieu! and will leave you with some pictures of 'little Chloe' :)

Audrey Hepburn

Cat Woman


Audrey Hepburn

Cat Woman

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
#7 Christmas Casuals.
Its that time again, time to get a job and earn truckloads of money, yes! :). Since year 10 I've forced myself to get into work and sacrifice most of my summer holidays, I would moan and groan, as you do, but by the time payday rolled around my lips were sealed. This year I pretty much had to beg my way into this job, and boy, am I glad I got it. Seeing that it was as easy as clicking my fingers previously for a summer occupation I wasn't to worried to find one this year. This is where I was wrong, oh so wrong. Knowing that we're in a recession or just crawling our way out of one I should have known that big businesses wouldn't be too keen on hiring tons of workers or I'll just say this to make myself feel better about my rejection. In reality they should be hiring more, but lets just come to the conclusion that they're just plain stingy. Thank the heavens for Hollywood Bakery and having my parents connections, because tomorrow I'll begin my journey at the bakery waitressing and hopefully not peeling chickens and washing up. Either way, work equals money and thats what I'm there for right?. Hopefully I'll have the chance to meet lots of crazy customers and I will definitely share my funny work stories with you if there is any. Surely this will be a heck of a roller coaster ride with myself as an employee :)
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
#6 Body Guards Are Dream Killers.
Today has been the most beautiful, weather wise- and the most eventful seeing that myself and 3 other pretty lasses traveled down to Sylvia Park to see my husband, Stan Walker. His signing was at 4.30 so we pretty much had to wait around for 3 hours?!, and in that time we met Santa :) yay! Knowing us, we got distracted, I didn't but they did, my navigation directions of "Come on guys! he's gonna be waiting for me" and "There is going to be a huge line!" were all shrugged off, so we pranced along to the signing a little later... and tada! HUGE line. Massive. Enormous and holding me back from my lover, that is when I began to get a little ticked off. Nothing gets in between Chloe and Chloe's dream man. No-one, Nothing. Well, maybe some overweight monstrosity of a woman & billions of screaming fans :(.
When you become somewhat obsessed with someone, obstacles in the form of others who try to get in the way, make you become... feisty. So this group of ladies, decide, "Hey, lets just jump the line and casually talk to these people and give the people behind us the evils even though we just pushed in front of them", theres only so much one can take right? Yes, well when push came to shove, I was on top, Yes Sir. Angry Chloe = Angry Chloe. Finally we reached the front of the queue and there he was, an Angel I swear ,and just as much of a babe in real life, unfortunately there were dozens of girls still in front of me smiling adoringly at him as well. Then the worst thing that could ever happen, happened. A Warehouse clerk who had just found his inner voice decided to pick up his mic and bellow, "Stan is only here for 30 minutes more, You can NOT take any photos with him, try take them in the queue". EXCUSE ME, How am I meant to take my loving photo with Stan, that I needed to send out for printing for our personal 'couple' Christmas cards? This is an outrage. Being myself and all, I began to scheme and figure out ploys to get my needed snapshot with the hunk. My friend and I agreed to take a photo of each other while waiting, while the other got a signature, ingenious? I think, Yes. Unfortunately, our tight scheduled regime did not go to plan. This is where the burly woman got a hammer and shattered my dreams. She might as well have done it literally too. "Put the camera away, No posing, only ONE signature". I stood face to face with my future husband and looked into his eyes, I stood awestruck, mouth slightly ajar and speechless- he looked up said 'Hi' smiled his amazing smile and that was it. It was magical, but short lived. I got some dodgy looking photos of him so thats all I can show you sorry!

The Huge Line

Stan The Man
When you become somewhat obsessed with someone, obstacles in the form of others who try to get in the way, make you become... feisty. So this group of ladies, decide, "Hey, lets just jump the line and casually talk to these people and give the people behind us the evils even though we just pushed in front of them", theres only so much one can take right? Yes, well when push came to shove, I was on top, Yes Sir. Angry Chloe = Angry Chloe. Finally we reached the front of the queue and there he was, an Angel I swear ,and just as much of a babe in real life, unfortunately there were dozens of girls still in front of me smiling adoringly at him as well. Then the worst thing that could ever happen, happened. A Warehouse clerk who had just found his inner voice decided to pick up his mic and bellow, "Stan is only here for 30 minutes more, You can NOT take any photos with him, try take them in the queue". EXCUSE ME, How am I meant to take my loving photo with Stan, that I needed to send out for printing for our personal 'couple' Christmas cards? This is an outrage. Being myself and all, I began to scheme and figure out ploys to get my needed snapshot with the hunk. My friend and I agreed to take a photo of each other while waiting, while the other got a signature, ingenious? I think, Yes. Unfortunately, our tight scheduled regime did not go to plan. This is where the burly woman got a hammer and shattered my dreams. She might as well have done it literally too. "Put the camera away, No posing, only ONE signature". I stood face to face with my future husband and looked into his eyes, I stood awestruck, mouth slightly ajar and speechless- he looked up said 'Hi' smiled his amazing smile and that was it. It was magical, but short lived. I got some dodgy looking photos of him so thats all I can show you sorry!
The Huge Line
Stan The Man
Monday, December 7, 2009
#5 Wise Words From 500 Days Of Summer and Inspiring Snaps :)
500 Days Of Summer <3

This is a boy meets girl story. It is not a love story.

Tom: What happens when you fall in love?

Summer: You believe in that?

Tom: It's love, it's not Santa Claus.

Summer: You weren't wrong, Tom. You were just wrong about me.
Tom: People don't realize this, but loneliness is underrated.

This is a boy meets girl story. It is not a love story.

Tom: What happens when you fall in love?

Summer: You believe in that?

Tom: It's love, it's not Santa Claus.

Summer: You weren't wrong, Tom. You were just wrong about me.
Tom: People don't realize this, but loneliness is underrated.
If you haven't seen this film, go watch it, it'll take you through a whirlwind of emotions. Fantastic.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
#4 Idol Fever Coming To NZ :)
I nearly died when I heard this particular announcement on the radio. Literally. I had my moment shaking my hands in my face and running out of my room to tell mum. She was much less than enthused than I was about my idol's visit to New Zealand. Mums reaction: "I'm working and so is your dad"- I'll BUS! whatever it takes, I'll be there(unless I'm working). If anyone followed the latest Australian Idol fiasco then you'll know who I'm talking about. STAN WALKER, he's a babe, he has an amazing voice & he was born and bred in NZ; Chea Bo. These are the only reasons why I bothered following this particular season, and boy was I lucky, he WON! So this Tuesday 4.30 at Sylvia Park the new star is coming for a signing and hopefully I'll get a picture with him...maybe a hug ha :) & it'll be on here as soon as possible, so come back and check. I'M SO EXCITED!


#3 Season Change, SUMMER <3
Woke up this morning to my mother commenting on the good looking boys on the tele- I didn't bother looking, they were choir boys in a cathedral- I could hear their high pitched voices that haven't gone through puberty yet- plus, the narrator told me so ... really mom? About an hour later I decided to hop out of bed, it took a lot of effort I must admit but the weather has been cruddy lately so it didn't really matter if I slept in right? thats my excuse anyway. Yeah, well today the sun decided to behave and voila! its rays are shining and there seems to be no ugly blemishes in the sky!. As we all know too well, as the seasons change so does our bodies, i.e; Summer: toned, ab-rippling, cellulite free and Winter: Flabby, unsightly rolls, double chins and wobble. Its human nature, we all go through it... and it sucks. God however, knew this was going to happen, and created autumn and spring for us to get back in shape before we reveal ourselves to the world! Unluckily for us New Zealanders, we got the back hand of this regime and pretty much got winter all year, yummy huh? eh no. This may just be an exposé of my personal body matters, but I'm sure others - men and women, will all agree with me, or, I'm the only one :P. So if you're coming to New Zealand for a 'babe fest', of course there will be those skinny-minnies that are tan and wonderful, but just look out for that pudgy one, don't stare at her and prod her; she's working on it, we've missed out on two seasons!

Top: Winter Body
Bottom: Hello Summer!

Top: Winter Body
Bottom: Hello Summer!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
#2 Dinner Time?

Just came across this cute yet, nerve racking picture and thought I'd share this with everyone. The fact that they put the kid in a pot and a chef is holding it scares me, also, his expression doesn't make him a happy chappy.Otherwise, he'd be a great baby model :).
It reminds me of the scene in "The Little Mermaid" where the chef goes ape and tries to kill Sebastian.
Don't worry though. I'm sure this bubba's still alive- I hope.
#1- Kia Ora.
So this is a bit odd, well for me anyway. In a conversation with a bloke from the UK my greeting of 'Kia Ora' was quickly replied with 'huh?', feeling knowledgeable I explained thoroughly the roots of the words though I was interrupted with "Wheres Maori?" then "Oh i know!, KiaOra is a kind of drink!".. Uhhh what? since WHEN was KIAORA a drink? Sounds a little crazy to me.
In New Zealand we usually get the odd greeting from that kid with heaps of 'swagger' as he pops his collar,adjusts his fresh bling and who seems to be kind of limping but in reality is just practicing his 'gangster lean' on the way to the takeaways for some 'Fush and Chups'(Fish and Chips- Australians care to differ)- he then murmurs "KiaOra", a generic term that has been implemented into our vocabulary since we were kids. It's Maori. We get it. Well, knowing me and my ' everyone in the world knows about New Zealand & everything about it' mindset, I was fully outraged and shocked when I discovered that KiaOra is a drink in the UK? I thought he was joking. but no, he even proved his claim with a wikipedia link and we all know that wikipedia is always 'right'- it isn't but I'll believe it this time. According to the site; "Kia-Ora is a concentrated fruit soft drink, owned by Atlantic Industries and licensed for manufacturing in the UK by Coca-Cola Enterprises Ltd", and it has more than one flavor! Exciting!. Where has this drink been all my life!? and why is it only sold in the UK, it is part of our native language, but I guess the English stole this one from us. At least it is indirectly promoting New Zealand, Yay!

Top: "Kia Ora!, Let's Hongi!"
Bottom: 'Kia Ora'- The Drink
In New Zealand we usually get the odd greeting from that kid with heaps of 'swagger' as he pops his collar,adjusts his fresh bling and who seems to be kind of limping but in reality is just practicing his 'gangster lean' on the way to the takeaways for some 'Fush and Chups'(Fish and Chips- Australians care to differ)- he then murmurs "KiaOra", a generic term that has been implemented into our vocabulary since we were kids. It's Maori. We get it. Well, knowing me and my ' everyone in the world knows about New Zealand & everything about it' mindset, I was fully outraged and shocked when I discovered that KiaOra is a drink in the UK? I thought he was joking. but no, he even proved his claim with a wikipedia link and we all know that wikipedia is always 'right'- it isn't but I'll believe it this time. According to the site; "Kia-Ora is a concentrated fruit soft drink, owned by Atlantic Industries and licensed for manufacturing in the UK by Coca-Cola Enterprises Ltd", and it has more than one flavor! Exciting!. Where has this drink been all my life!? and why is it only sold in the UK, it is part of our native language, but I guess the English stole this one from us. At least it is indirectly promoting New Zealand, Yay!

Top: "Kia Ora!, Let's Hongi!"
Bottom: 'Kia Ora'- The Drink
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