This is a little tribute to my new favourite American reality TV show, 'The Biggest Loser-Families", do you like how I made the title "inFATuation" just a little bit of pun action going on! Owww I'm so creative:P. We're a bit behind on the show here in New Zealand. I am currently locking my eyes onto season 6, and America is currently following season 9 so, yes, I guess thats the penalty for living in good ol' Aotearoa. Anywho, some people may think I'm a little crazy for following the show, they probably think I enjoy watching some chubb chubbs straining themselves and running around until their heads pop. I actually don't find that amusing, more like AMAZING. I just can't wrap my head around how these morbidly obese people can motivate themselves to go for a jog, especially on national television- GLOBAL TELEVISION. I can't even run around the block without stopping whenever a car zooms by 'cause I find it embarassing as I have implemented the belief in my head that I'm a really shocking runner. What they are doing for themselves is truly brave. Kudos to them! It's also SO great to see their transformations from being their old selves to these babes that waltz in for the finale. The kids on this show are some good looking people, being pretty or handsome when you're fat is one thing. Imagine how good they look after losing.. I don't know- something like 100POUNDS. holy crap, its insane!- I just pray to God that they don't put it back on. The only downside to this show is that you become so involved in it that you don't bother going for a run, No Way! 'The Biggest Loser' is on, just watching them makes you feel like you've gone for a hike :P. Another 'con' is that you watch these huge people shed the fat until they become even smaller than you and that makes you feel a little stink- not that I don't want them to be skinny and healthy, I just don't want to be bigger than them - if you get what I mean? they used to be huge right!? I really can't get over how they do it every week. Being Chloe, I couldn't help myself, Yes, thats right.. I wikipedia'd the results -____-, kill joy ay! Oh well, the person I wanted to win did so I guess that makes my bad doings redeemable.

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