Happy New Years everyone!, its been quite a while since my last update so this is merely a recount of the happenings Miss Soon has encountered over the past week,or so ;)
New Years came and went as quick as you could say 'abracadabra', and since everyone went away to get crunk, I pretty much had very few options, luckily- my mother; the kind soul that she is, opened her home to two of my best girls, Nikki & Elise for a sleepover a midnight swim and the countdown in the city, sounded like a swell plan to me!. So the girls made their way to my crib, I fed them ( fried rice and brandy snaps&ice cream...YUM), entertained them and most importantly took millions upon millions of photos with them, newly naming ourselves...- the three muskeeters. :). We spent a good half hour searching the city to find a carpark, along the way we endeavoured on a 'lady of the night', not quite what we were looking for but good for the laughs, and finally settled in a cramped park that revealed a mountain to climb, great- burn off that ice cream right? We found a picture perfect area to watch the fireworks, Auckland really out did itself this year as the display was spectacular; though when watching the news the next day which revealed Sydneys' display, we still have some work to do, chumps. As the lights dimmed down we ventured to the streets saying goodbye to 2009 and hello, new decade!, the atmosphere was elated with joy and happiness and a large group of Indians hit us with their culture as they jumped and shimmied the whole night through. Typically- there were those that had way too much to drink and probably didn't know that we'd already phased into a new decade. Whats new years without them though? Not a very good one ha. Our legs burned as we finally reached the car and the ride to the beach gave us a good rest to hype us up for our next adventure for the night. Reaching the sullen, empty beach we were quickly warned by passerbys that there was r18 makings around the corner, being the nosy person I am, I soon found out that there, in the moonlight, was a loving couple, going for gold, stark naked. ew, you get the picture, but we left those two to whatever they were doing... got into our togs and plunged into the water; freezing yes- but so totally worth it. A drunken fellow who looked about .. 12 (16) came to us when we were in about knee-high water with his shoes on. Crazy kid. He was head over heels for Nikki, love can make you do crazy things I guess, they exchanged numbers, and a bunch of dodgy texts was all we could expect. Yay, my New Years was a night to remember. This year has also brought me much good news.
1. I passed my learners license test -FINALLY
2. Pandora Bracelet & Charms. TICK
3. Lap Top. TICK
Make this year one to remember folks - I know I have and am trying to!