We have to do column writing for english. This is what I came up with. It may not be to your liking but I had to be biased :P
Another routine morning, another day at school; yet something that is just so ordinary happened to catch my half closed eye. It’s those mundane things that seem so regular that really get you thinking. Why is the sky blue? Why do cows ‘moo’? And why does my mother always know when I’m lying? Though these light hearted questions are always left unanswered, the bowl staring at me with a compilation of fruit wouldn’t weasel its way out of my mind. There in the white opaque bowl lay some apples, oranges, a few pears and one banana. You’ve all seen this image before; every household has a fruit bowl, and if you decided to ask someone from the other side of the world to draw a bowl of fruit, you’d get relatively the same picture. So, why on this dreary day do I start pondering about fruit? To be quite frank, I just think I’m going a bit nutty but all of sudden this fruit bowl has transformed itself into my life. I take the banana and set out for another full day at school.
Banana; Musa Acuminata Colla- description: yellow on the outside, white on the inside. This has to be the epitome of all the things that make ‘me’, me. Born and raised in New Zealand, I rock the Asian eyes and hair but hold the distinct ‘Kiiweee’ accent. As I unpeel the yellow coating and dig into the creamy flesh; it hits me- this is why my head was so fruity today. “Aching wa Ching Chong! - God, they’re so annoying, bloody Asians. Oh crap, not you, Chloe- you’re not one of them”. Usually I’d take a comment like this lightly, I’d even put it down as compliment. But, seeing as this fruit bowl had magically taken over my mindset, I couldn’t help but taking it offensively. Since when was it alright to blatantly discriminate against a person because of the way their language sounds? No matter how ‘Pakeha’ I sound on the telephone, it doesn’t mean that I’ve lost the essence of my Asian heritage and it doesn’t make me any different to any other Asian. If you bully them, you’re bullying me. Trust me, if a gorgeous looking Italian fellow were to stand next to my friends speaking fluent Italian and began to sing like Pavarotti, not one word would escape the lips of any one of those girls. What makes ‘Asians’ so different? All I can begin to conclude at this point in my now fruit orientated world is that; they are the apples and the oranges, yet I still stand alone as a banana.
These fruits have really got me thinking. What makes me so different to every other Asian in New Zealand? In the world? If I can be accepted, why can’t they? It isn’t because they dress like clowns, or smell like rotten cheese, because they don’t. What makes them so appalling that it has become acceptable to shun and tease this particular race? Ever since the early migration of the Chinese gold miners in the 1880’s the isolation began. A poll tax was created to keep them out as people labelled them ‘Yellow Peril’, Alien, Heathen, Undesirable because they were afraid that they would hinder their ‘clean’ reputation. The tax elevated to an even more ridiculous price of 100 pounds in the 1900’s. This was equivalent to one lifetime’s earnings of a Chinese gold miner. Though this has been overlooked and apologies have been said it would be rude of me to blame the whole of New Zealand for the hurt that has been implemented on Asians. But as the saying goes; ‘It only takes one rotten potato to spoil the lot’. Till this day we still encounter harsh criticism from individuals who make it obvious that Asians are not wanted here. These are individuals who do not generate what they are saying before they splutter their unjust words. For example; in 2005, politician- Winston Peters states “We have now reached the point where you can wonder down Queen Street in Auckland and wonder if you are still in New Zealand or some other country”. If a politician believes this statement is humane and politically correct to say publicly; I cannot imagine what an average New Zealander would think they were entitled to say about an Asian. After all, it’s a free country, right? If a politician says it, why can’t I- that’s what’d I think, wouldn’t you?
The fact is, New Zealand – we are here to stay. Chinese, Koreans, Indians, Japanese, Malaysians, Indonesians, Singaporeans, the list goes on. It will take more than hurtful words to eradicate us from your society. In 2005, statistics show that 54% of visa approvals were given to citizens of countries in Asia. Without the diversity that they have brought to New Zealand, getting rid of Asians will leave you without all the things you love dearly. Imagine a life with no dairies, Chinese takeaways, two dollar shops, manicurists, Thai massages, taxi drivers, scientists, tutors and think about how the rest of the world would react to New Zealanders if we began to ban the arrival of Asians?
How about we inject some human into our veins, stop being childish and get on with life. There is no need for immature practises of pulling the sides of our eyes so you can’t see through them – you’ll just end up with premature wrinkles. No more screaming out profanities outside your windows, just because. And, please; no more imitating the way Asians speak – you sound utterly idiotic!
Come on New Zealand; let’s add some more yellow into our fruit bowls. It’s time to accept us into the mix.
Hope you like it ;). btw. I have been worked like a slave at school. Save me!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
#16 Last School Photo :(
Slap me on the back of my hand. I know its been way too long since my last rant but I really can't help it. The weekly blog is just not making it onto Chloe's 'to do' list. I KNOW. Since when was blogging never on my to do list? the answer to that would have to be school. My last year of it to be precise. And it is making itself very clear that its going to take everything from me before it lets me go. Today I put on my prettiest smile and stood on the plastic mat, FLASH, and thats that.No more fussing over my hair and checking my teeth for that ID that I'll keep for the rest of the year. Its kind of scary. Its not like I'm never ever going to take another photo again... fat chance of that. Its just weird I suppose. This time next year I'll be venturing into the the big world, the real world- and I have no idea how I'm going to cope. Don't quote me on this; but I actually really enjoy school. Its not my favourite pastime, but it keeps me grounded and has been a somewhat haven for me. Without it I'd be so unenthused and talk about BORED. Andddddd this year, we have been given a study period. Amazing, I'm not quite sure if all of use this as a 'study' period... but I still cannot comprehend how I survived without it last year. Adios Amigos. Come back for more ;)
Saturday, January 23, 2010
#15 InFATuation
This is a little tribute to my new favourite American reality TV show, 'The Biggest Loser-Families", do you like how I made the title "inFATuation" just a little bit of pun action going on! Owww I'm so creative:P. We're a bit behind on the show here in New Zealand. I am currently locking my eyes onto season 6, and America is currently following season 9 so, yes, I guess thats the penalty for living in good ol' Aotearoa. Anywho, some people may think I'm a little crazy for following the show, they probably think I enjoy watching some chubb chubbs straining themselves and running around until their heads pop. I actually don't find that amusing, more like AMAZING. I just can't wrap my head around how these morbidly obese people can motivate themselves to go for a jog, especially on national television- GLOBAL TELEVISION. I can't even run around the block without stopping whenever a car zooms by 'cause I find it embarassing as I have implemented the belief in my head that I'm a really shocking runner. What they are doing for themselves is truly brave. Kudos to them! It's also SO great to see their transformations from being their old selves to these babes that waltz in for the finale. The kids on this show are some good looking people, being pretty or handsome when you're fat is one thing. Imagine how good they look after losing.. I don't know- something like 100POUNDS. holy crap, its insane!- I just pray to God that they don't put it back on. The only downside to this show is that you become so involved in it that you don't bother going for a run, No Way! 'The Biggest Loser' is on, just watching them makes you feel like you've gone for a hike :P. Another 'con' is that you watch these huge people shed the fat until they become even smaller than you and that makes you feel a little stink- not that I don't want them to be skinny and healthy, I just don't want to be bigger than them - if you get what I mean? they used to be huge right!? I really can't get over how they do it every week. Being Chloe, I couldn't help myself, Yes, thats right.. I wikipedia'd the results -____-, kill joy ay! Oh well, the person I wanted to win did so I guess that makes my bad doings redeemable.


#14 VENT!
It's been a tough week, from the relatable words from punkrock group- Blink 182, 'work sucks, I know'; too true. I guess wherever I go, there will always be that one person who thinks its amusing to make your day miserable. As if I'm not busy enough already, the person who shall not be named feels she has to dump her load onto me, according to her-"Theres not enough trays..Bwhackblahblah" when in reality. I'm not the dish washer. SHE IS. I do it with a smile on my face. Mother insists that I put on a calm exterior even though I'm burning up on the inside; maybe a smile is too generous- smiling through clenched teeth; more like. I'm fully doing her a favour, then to complain? Theres only so much of the line that you can cross, she's built a house over the stupid line. What makes it worse, is that when the boss comes 'round to say Kia Ora, she acts like a timid mouse and does her job, LIKE SHE'S SUPPOSED TO, she's a beast with a mouse costume, sneaky sneaky! If you're having a tough day at work or have been; I feel your pain- join the club.I say, take a deep breath or have a LONG shower- that's what I did...it kinda works?, but having this blog to vent on hits the spot! ;) Ciao!

I look like this guy, womanised-and with no words jutting out of my head.

I look like this guy, womanised-and with no words jutting out of my head.
Monday, January 18, 2010
#13 Finals, Big Day Out
The day has come and gone; screams of joy/dissapointment? ; echoed the halls of my Whenuapai home. Great. NCEA results have been posted on the net and are on their way to my letterbox . I can't say that I'm totally happy with them, they could definitely improve; I guess thats what facebook did to me this year. You won't understand how much of a wreck I was when I found out the marks were going to be returned, I didn't want them. I couldn't function properly the whole day at work. I wasn't hungry- I KNOW. maybe I should get nervous about results more often; I was a mess. I guess everyone gets that feeling; the ones where those butterflies are going ape inside your tummy having a little party- if I could see the butterflies in mine they'd be bashing mini guitars and having a wonderful time, externally I wasn't feeling too good about that. I looked at the set of marks once and decided to let it go and aim higher for this year; no point dwelling on the past right? SCHOLAR CHLOE FOR 2010 (hopefully this helps!). Anyway I didn't need to let my exam results haunt me; I'd already purchased tickets to Aucklands annual 'Big Day Out' and no silly marks could stop me from rocking it up . My mother is much to nice to stop me from doing that :). So with that behind me; my fellow chump, Nikki and I ventured to Mount Smart Stadium along with 43,000 other participants to soak up the sun and enjoy numerous amazing acts by local and international musicians! Woopee! Along the way we saw men with outrageous mohawks that made them like, 2ft tall; girls sporting the bikini/short outfit & the odd couple wearing crocs. Oh, and of course; Ray Bans- that guy must be getting a lot of money coming in from NZ! If you've ever attended this event you would agree with me that the organisers did a fantastic job of collecting a vast selection of BABE kiwi folk from all around the country. Actually. I wouldn't be able to count on my fingers and toes the amount of boys I'd rate a 10+, though I had strong competition. Girls, I really don't understand how you can look perfect and poised after squeezing your way out of a 10K plus crowd- with your hair down at boiling temperatures. Honestly, tell me how and I'll pay you a lot of money, I'm so jealous :P. The lineup this year was beyond extraordinary sporting the likes of; Dizzee Rascal, Jet, The Temper Trap, Lilly Allen, and my utter favourtite : MUSE & the list goes on and on, ka pai BDO. Kai PAI. It was quite hot so of course I got a bit of a t-shirt sun burn, I even went to desperate lengths to slip slop and slap but no, Nikki went brown I went red. Murphys Law does exist I swear it does! After waiting for an hour patiently in our spot for Muse the picture perfect summers sky set their dimmer switch on and it was time to experience one of the best live acts that anyone will ever set their eyes on. Muse, all I can say is wow. I would bet big money that if you played their live songs against their recorded albums you'd hear exactly the same thing- or even, the live recordings would be even better. What talent. I'm starstruck; and now have a new appreciation for everything Muse, and am rather fond of their lead singer- Matthew Bellamy; what a STUD. He's got it going for him; rocker hips and a voice that would make any girl swoon. Thing is, they aren't shallow either, they aren't mainstream. They're one of a kind and actually think about the lyrics they write & the riffs are just amazing, catchy and ugh. Just perfection. It's pure talent & I LOVE IT. All in all. Best Day for chilling with your friends & listening to the most insane beats. 10/10 !

#12 A Precious Life Lost.
This will be a more demure entry from me this time. It is not one of happy thoughts or quirky views, it is one of pure grief and utter loss for the ones that stood close to this young man. Though I can't say I was a close friend of Joe Humphrey, I was connected to him through many friends, therefore their loss is reflected onto me and has affected me just as much. I met him once, and I guess his charm rubbed off on me a little as there is nothing I can say that is bad about him, he was known to be kind, a good friend; a keeper. When I heard the news it came as a huge shock- a crazy wake up call. It's so dissapointing that for myself and others to realise that life is so great, we have to lose a loved one in return. Joe according to many, lived his life to the full & taught us all the lesson that life is too short, we come and go at any time. It is what you make of it. Joe's life wasn't lived in vain- he was taken away too early but that doesn't mean he didn't leave his mark on the world. Do something outrageous, let your hair down; embrace what the world has to offer. Rest In Peace Joe; <3
Sunday, January 3, 2010
#11 2010.
Happy New Years everyone!, its been quite a while since my last update so this is merely a recount of the happenings Miss Soon has encountered over the past week,or so ;)
New Years came and went as quick as you could say 'abracadabra', and since everyone went away to get crunk, I pretty much had very few options, luckily- my mother; the kind soul that she is, opened her home to two of my best girls, Nikki & Elise for a sleepover a midnight swim and the countdown in the city, sounded like a swell plan to me!. So the girls made their way to my crib, I fed them ( fried rice and brandy snaps&ice cream...YUM), entertained them and most importantly took millions upon millions of photos with them, newly naming ourselves...- the three muskeeters. :). We spent a good half hour searching the city to find a carpark, along the way we endeavoured on a 'lady of the night', not quite what we were looking for but good for the laughs, and finally settled in a cramped park that revealed a mountain to climb, great- burn off that ice cream right? We found a picture perfect area to watch the fireworks, Auckland really out did itself this year as the display was spectacular; though when watching the news the next day which revealed Sydneys' display, we still have some work to do, chumps. As the lights dimmed down we ventured to the streets saying goodbye to 2009 and hello, new decade!, the atmosphere was elated with joy and happiness and a large group of Indians hit us with their culture as they jumped and shimmied the whole night through. Typically- there were those that had way too much to drink and probably didn't know that we'd already phased into a new decade. Whats new years without them though? Not a very good one ha. Our legs burned as we finally reached the car and the ride to the beach gave us a good rest to hype us up for our next adventure for the night. Reaching the sullen, empty beach we were quickly warned by passerbys that there was r18 makings around the corner, being the nosy person I am, I soon found out that there, in the moonlight, was a loving couple, going for gold, stark naked. ew, you get the picture, but we left those two to whatever they were doing... got into our togs and plunged into the water; freezing yes- but so totally worth it. A drunken fellow who looked about .. 12 (16) came to us when we were in about knee-high water with his shoes on. Crazy kid. He was head over heels for Nikki, love can make you do crazy things I guess, they exchanged numbers, and a bunch of dodgy texts was all we could expect. Yay, my New Years was a night to remember. This year has also brought me much good news.
1. I passed my learners license test -FINALLY
2. Pandora Bracelet & Charms. TICK
3. Lap Top. TICK
Make this year one to remember folks - I know I have and am trying to!
New Years came and went as quick as you could say 'abracadabra', and since everyone went away to get crunk, I pretty much had very few options, luckily- my mother; the kind soul that she is, opened her home to two of my best girls, Nikki & Elise for a sleepover a midnight swim and the countdown in the city, sounded like a swell plan to me!. So the girls made their way to my crib, I fed them ( fried rice and brandy snaps&ice cream...YUM), entertained them and most importantly took millions upon millions of photos with them, newly naming ourselves...- the three muskeeters. :). We spent a good half hour searching the city to find a carpark, along the way we endeavoured on a 'lady of the night', not quite what we were looking for but good for the laughs, and finally settled in a cramped park that revealed a mountain to climb, great- burn off that ice cream right? We found a picture perfect area to watch the fireworks, Auckland really out did itself this year as the display was spectacular; though when watching the news the next day which revealed Sydneys' display, we still have some work to do, chumps. As the lights dimmed down we ventured to the streets saying goodbye to 2009 and hello, new decade!, the atmosphere was elated with joy and happiness and a large group of Indians hit us with their culture as they jumped and shimmied the whole night through. Typically- there were those that had way too much to drink and probably didn't know that we'd already phased into a new decade. Whats new years without them though? Not a very good one ha. Our legs burned as we finally reached the car and the ride to the beach gave us a good rest to hype us up for our next adventure for the night. Reaching the sullen, empty beach we were quickly warned by passerbys that there was r18 makings around the corner, being the nosy person I am, I soon found out that there, in the moonlight, was a loving couple, going for gold, stark naked. ew, you get the picture, but we left those two to whatever they were doing... got into our togs and plunged into the water; freezing yes- but so totally worth it. A drunken fellow who looked about .. 12 (16) came to us when we were in about knee-high water with his shoes on. Crazy kid. He was head over heels for Nikki, love can make you do crazy things I guess, they exchanged numbers, and a bunch of dodgy texts was all we could expect. Yay, my New Years was a night to remember. This year has also brought me much good news.
1. I passed my learners license test -FINALLY
2. Pandora Bracelet & Charms. TICK
3. Lap Top. TICK
Make this year one to remember folks - I know I have and am trying to!
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